Your second assignment is the sound or music discussion board post to submit that, go back into Blackboard and you'll notice thatevery Unit in Blackboard has a link for the lessons, the content and also a link at the very top "Unit 1 Getting Aquainted" that's a link that will take you to the assignments for that unit.When you click on that link you will see all the assignments for that unit. If you click on the 'music and noise post' link, it will take you into the discussion board itself. For you to add your own discussion, click on the 'create thread' button. Put your name in the Subject line, and then in the subject box go ahead and type in your ideas about music and noise - give examples. When you are done, click on the submit button.That will submit your post and allow everyone else to see it. To check to make sure you did it correctly, go to the grade book link over on the left side - the gradebook button. if you click there, you're goign to see all the assignments and you'll see a little exclamation mark next to the music and noise assignment. That means you've turned it in, but I haven't graded it. When I grade your work, that mark will become a grade.