We're ready to take our first quiz, so when it is time to do an assignment of take a quiz you want to click on the link for the unit itself, not the lessons but the link. now this quiz doesn't have any listening examples, but in most of the quizzes will. If there is a listening example in the quiz you'll have a link before you take the quiz that will allow you to check and make sure you can that the sound is working on your computer. If you click on the Unit 1 quiz link, then continue, you'll see the questions and possible answers. True/False, Multiple Choice, Fill in the blank, etc. Go through the test answering those questions. There is a same and submit button both at the top and bottom. Never just save your answers, you HAVE to submit them for me to be able to see and grade. make sure that all the questions have been answered. When you want to see your grade, click on the gradebook button. If the computer grades this particular quiz, then you will see your grade.Good Luck!