Unit 1- Getting Acquainted Instructor Information Course Information Science of Sound Why Music? Assignments
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Assignment #1 - Welcome Letter Reply (20 Points)

You should receive an email from me containing the information listed in the Welcome Letter. Follow the directions in that email (Reply back, paraphrasing the grading procedures used in the course).

If you don't receive an email from me within 24 hours of you entering the class, then read the welcome letter and send me an email paraphrasing the course grading procedures - tdeibel@pasadenaisd.org

Assignment # 2 - Sound or Music Discussion Board Post and Reply (20 Points) - Link to discussion board (this link only works if you are logged into Blackboard)

A. Create a post in the course discussion board with your definitions of sound and music. Use your own words to define these two terms and give at least one example of each. Watch this video to see how to create a discussion board post:

 Click here if video above is blocked | Click here for closed caption | View transcript
B. Read the post of at least one of your classmates and reply to their post. (You may have to return to this assignment later in the course if no one has posted their definitions yet)

Assignment # 3 - Quiz 1 (30 Points) - Link to Quiz (this link only works if you are logged into Blackboard)

After reviewing the lessons in Unit 1 take a quiz to determine if you have learned the material or not.
Watch this video to see how to take a quiz:

On YouTube Click here if video above is blocked | Click here for closed caption | View transcript

Link to Quiz (this link only works if you are logged into Blackboard)